Monday, December 5, 2011

Trust God, There's A Plan

Ever wonder "Why Me?" Of course you do! I guess that was a silly question. Everyday we face something different. Most days, things are pretty good and we can deal with them. But then there are those things that we can surely live without. Or can we?

As always, I only speak for myself. Sometimes I get so impatient. I want everything to be perfect and sometimes even wonder what others will think (I know… shame on me). And sometimes, just when I think it couldn't get any worse, something "astronomical" happens! "OMG! This cannot be life!" is what my normal response might be (how dramatic right)! Its as if I never stop to think "why not me," "what is this for," "what can I learn,"  or "what is the grand scheme,?" Sometimes the question that I need to ask s simply "how can I use this as an opportunity to trust God?!"

God always has a plan. Isaiah 55:8-9 says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. (9) "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."

When thinking about the grand scheme and God's plan, I find this particular scripture very comforting. We don't always need to know why or understand, we simply need to trust God. Maybe the reason we are stuck in traffic is because there is chaos at our final destination. Maybe the reason we keep encountering the same issues with others is because we didn't learn the lesson we were suppose to learn the times before. Maybe the reason why you seem to be "stuck in a rut" is because the move God wants to make is so much bigger than the move you think you want. Maybe, just maybe, whatever you are going through is not about you, but someone else. And maybe the reason you always have to be the peace maker, the one to bring up the tough issues or do things that seem hard is because you are the strongest. And sometimes its all just to see if you trust God enough to allow Him to work in your life. I'll give you more perspective…

1. Noah and the ark. God was tired of people being disobedient and was ready to rid the earth of them. Yet, God found favor with Noah and gave him instructions on building an ark, spared his family and every species of animal.  Imagine how crazy Noah must have seemed to being building this ark because God told him. He didn't care what people thought. He obeyed God and God spared him.

2. Abraham was sent to sacrifice Isaac. I have children, so I'm sure it must have been very painful for Abraham to take his son to the mountain top. God already new he was not going to let Abraham kill Isaac, but he needed to know that Abraham was fully committed to Him in order to bless him later.

3. David. Goliath was over 9ft tall so I'm sure this giant considered him a squirt. David was small, young and had no armor but he trusted God. David defeated Goliath (although the giant laughed at him). David went on to be a king.

4. Job - He was highly favored by God. God allowed satan to take everything away from Job - his children, his home, his cattle, everything. But Job was faithful and loved God. He said "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." And Job was blessed - he had more children, more wealth and lived to 140.

5. Mary and Joseph. Two people promised to be married to one another. Hadn't consummated their marriage, but Mary was pregnant with the Son of God (virgin birth). Normally a woman pregnant but no from her husband would have been killed or exiled. God clearly favored Mary. Joseph (descendent of David) was obedient. They gave birth to Jesus!

6. Jesus. Son of man, Son of God made the ultimate sacrifice. He even said "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." The flesh part of Jesus didn't want to go through that pain, but He knew He had to obey the Father and that there was greater purpose to what He was going through.

There are many examples throughout the Bible of people facing obstacles, who had faith in God and found His favor. There are examples all around you. Everything we go through was a test of faith. And everything has the potential to strengthen your relationship with God.

To Sum it up, when you are faced with a challenge or a situation that may cause you to think "oh gosh no!" try to see God in it. See what He wants to tell you, needs you to learn, or how it may help someone else. Small obstacles (traffic jams, stumped toes on furniture, broken elevators, etc.) could be God keeping you from walking into disaster. While the larger challenges could be God setting you up for something way greater!

1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "…And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." So there you have it! God s faithful and He loves you (favors you) so much, that in every situation, He has already provided a way for you to come through.

Oh! By the way, the things we face from day to day have nothing on what Jesus endured on the cross!

In everything, there is always a lesson. They are all a part of a plan. Sometimes the situations we wish we didn't have to face are exactly what we need to become better people, the people God wants us to be. Instead of asking "why me," thank God that He is faithful, thank Him for His favor, thank Him for guidance, thank Him for peace and ability to get through whatever your going through.

If you need a little boost in faith and trusting God, read Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Rest on that!

With Love Always,