Monday, September 27, 2010

Eye Like Your Smile

Ladies, ladies, ladies! How many times have you heard this dialogue:
Person: "What was the first thing that made you notice her?"
Guy: "She had the most enchanting eyes! They were piercing, absolutely beautiful!"

Or maybe the answer went a little something like this:
Guy: "Her smile. She has a smile that could light up an entire room."

Whether real life scenarios or ones portrayed on television, I believe its safe to say we've all heard this before! Which brings me to this week's topic: small things that help enhance your biggest "1st notice" features - eyes and smile.

Eye Candy
Ok, so I know it can seem that blue and green eyes get all the love. Its no doubt that they are beautiful but I'm hear to tell you, my hazel-eyed, brown-eyed one green/one blue-eyed sisters, that your eyes are beautiful too. And I'll also tell you which color eye shadows will best work to enhance your eyes so the rest of the world can see how beautiful they are too!
Blue-eyed Belindas: If you're a warm blue, you should check out the sea green shades. A cool blue, you can try anywhere from grayish blues to navy. For an eye-popping experience no matter what shade of blue, warm or cool, try your natural brick-brown tones.
Green-eyed Gretchens: If you're eyes are warm, check out the green shadows that are more on a lime to olive scale. A cool green, you'd look fabulous with olive to forrest green, and throw in some brown every now and again. All green eyes look great with light pink or lavender shadow for ultimate enhancement!
Hazel-eyed Harriets: If you're a true hazel, check out the neutrals with yellow or gold undertones. Olive also works well. If you're more of a golden hazel, golds and browns are the shadows to look for. If you want to spice it up with a little more color, all hazel eyes are complimented very well with purples.
Brown-eyes Bettys: For your warm eyes, I suggest neutrals and brown with blush (pinkish) undertones. My cool brown ladies look gorgeous in browns that have  purple undertones. And for all brown eyes to reach their full potential of fabulosity, dark turquoise greens, navies and smoke will definitely do the trick!
This is not to say that other fun and funky colors are all wrong… By all means experiment with those too. These are just eye color enhancers!

Say Cheese
There is something about a healthy smile that, when you say cheese and those big pearly whites peek through your lips, creates a natural glow on your face. It speaks to me and it says "Ahhhhh (harp music in the background) Here I am, there you are. HELLO!" However (record scratches), if you are concerned that your pearly whites aren't so pearly, or so white for that matter, here are a few changes you can make daily to improve your gorgeous smile:
1) Brush your teeth after every meal - this keeps food from sticking and staining your teeth.
2) Use old school baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Not necessarily the tastiest combination but the baking soda is slightly abrasive to loosen tops stains and the peroxide will lighten the shade. 
3) Drink through a straw- This will help keep your drinks that stain, such as coffee, tea and soda, from touching your teeth. It will also so the same for acidic drinks that eat away at your enamel.
See, just that simple. Sure you can try at home whiteners or even head to your local dentist. Should you decide that this is the route you prefer, these tips will also help you maintain that new sparkly smile!

In a face-to-face meeting, your eyes and your smile are two of the first features that others will notice about you. Why not make a lasting impression? But whether you are brown-eyed, blue-eyed, hazel-eyed or green-eyed; wearing makeup or going nude, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! 

Oh and don't forget to SMILE. It looks good on you!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Beautiful You

For a long time now a friend of mine (Charity) has been trying to get me to blog. And for a long time I struggled to get started, wondering where to begin and what to blog about. I knew I wanted it to be a beauty blog, simply because its what I love. But I still wasn't sure what angle to take. Finally, after so long and many questions, here I am. 

This morning, after logging on to twitter I suddenly became super inspired. Rev Run tweeted : "Sum girls get fly for a bunch of guys, sum ladies do it 4 one guy, but the WISE woman does it 4 herself #feelgood"

I felt inspired by this because so often when we get ready to go out, whether for work or play, and we consider what kind of reaction we will get from others. How many times have you said to yourself "Oh! My hair is a hot mess," or "does this make me look frumpy" or "I can't go out looking like this!" I know I've done it, better yet, catch myself doing it all the time. Question is, who are we asking these questions for? Is it because you wonder yourself or because you wonder what others might think? Once you figure that out the transformation can begin.

We've all heard "beauty comes from within." Well, its the truth! Its more than just physical - that stuff is just the icing on the cake. How you perceive yourself, how you feel about your perception and what you choose to radiate… thats the real beauty. YOU, no one else, just you, are the only one that can validate you. Truth is, until you are ready to see yourself as the beautiful being that God created - beautifully, wonderfully and uniquely made, those other opinions still won't matter because they won't be good enough. If you want to "make" yourself beautiful (more than you already are) -hair, makeup, clothes, body- do it for you. Numero Uno!

You were created with different hair, eyes, skin, shape, talent, gifts and personality. You are uniquely you. Embrace it. Love it. Don't be afraid to Esteem Yourself. After all, it is called Self-Esteem. There was no mistake in making you. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.