Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pondering Time

That was right on TIME! I'm running late! Sooner. Later. Wrong TIMING. Perfect TIMING. Right place at the right TIME. Its about TIME! Everything seems to depend on time! The time it take to create a life and the exact time that one ends… The difference between catching an elevator or making a light…. Moment of time being somewhere or doing something when you meet your one true love…Anything and everything… Its all about time!

But why is time so important? I believe in God. I also believe that He has a plan. Because of His plans everything happens in due time. Although we are not perfect, He thinks that we are always just right to be in the positions we are in every single day, at every moment. He gives us time seek him. Time to spend with our loved ones.  Time to grow. Time to gain experience. Time to make mistakes. Time to learn from those mistakes. Time to bring darkness to light. Time to struggle and time to be successful.

I ask you, how do you spend your time? What do you do with it? Are you using it to fulfill every dream or fantasy? Are you a procrastinator? Do you use time to make others happy? Are you taking the time to take care of yourself (that's important too)? Do you spend time becoming successful? Are you having fun with your time? Do you share your time with someone special? Are you being productive? Or do you spend your time simply going through the motions? Think about it.

Time is a great gift because it is one you can never get back. So take the time to do something nice for yourself and others. Spend time with your family and friends, let them know you love them. Treat others kind and think twice when you're in a tough situation. Use your time to do something great and make yourself better. After all, when time runs out, I'd hate for you to say you wasted it.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who Are Those People?!

They steal your clothes and eat all your food, but you love them. They teach you bad habits and talk too much, yet, you still love them. They get in your way and Lord knows they work on your nerves, and still, they are the first ones you call when it all goes down! Who are "they?" FAMILY!

If you're like me, your family is the epitome of dysfunction! Just kidding, but no, really! Everyone has a dancing uncle, a crazy cousin, bratty sibling and parents - well lets just say they are different from what you remember when you were little. Now they just seem all open and stuff (can we say T.M.I.)! Either way, crazy or not. We love them.

I believe we are all created with a special purpose - each one different, of course. And I believe that we were created in our family so that those people would help us become who we are destined to be. Maybe your sister steals your clothes so that you can learn to share. Maybe your auntie is loud so that you can learn to tune nonsense-talking people out. When you're older and your parents tell you way too much, maybe its so that we can see how cool they really are. And the best is when a baby is born because they teach you how to love one another more and give outside of yourself. We all have a role.

I know sometimes the chips don't fall so nicely. Just say a prayer and remember what doesn't kill you,  can be learned from in order to make you a stronger and better person - for you and someone else. Don't let someone else's mistake destroy you.

At the end of the day, no matter what, family is still family. They are the ones you learn from, lean on, cry to, tell all your secrets, hopes and dreams, laugh and pray with. Since you're a part of the family that means your role is to teach good things, be a strong shoulder, always carry Kleenex, listen well, encourage, tell a joke and say a prayer. 

I don't know about your family, but mine if full of crazy people! But they are good people and I love them. I'm almost certain you feel the same about yours so treat them well. 

Take care of yourselves and one another.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let It Go! Leave It Behind

Its a new year! Happy 2011! New Years resolutions are live and in full effect. But hey! Since we're starting new things and cleaning up our lives in the new year, lets talk about things we need to let go and leave in the past. What kind of things? You know, that bad habit we keep saying we're going to kick or that jerk of a boyfriend/ girlfriend we keep saying we're going to kick to the curb! A new year is here and I say LET IT GO!!!!

No matter how slow the process may seem, the only direction we should be moving is forward. Sometimes the journey we're taking could be made a lot easier if we let go of the baggage we've been holding onto. Sometimes that means forgiveness. We all have experienced that one "friend" that keeps hurting us and we keep forgiving. Well let me tell you, you can forgive, but that doesn't mean you have to keep toting them on down the road. Let them go and leave that baggage behind! That doesn't mean that you don't care. It simply means you no longer care to keep hurting yourself.

ENABLERS!!! Listen Up! Ever feel like you are constantly bailing someone out? Is it draining every ounce of your energy? Are you tired? LET IT GO! Don't get me wrong, it is great to help others, and you should.  However, always being the bail out, in the long run, can do more harm than help. Learn to say NO!

Want to stop smoking, cussing, drinking, etc.? Like Nike says JUST DO IT! I'm not saying it will be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.  Not sure where to start? How about removing yourself from people/ situations that promote those bad habits? Sometimes in order to reach a goal, you have to do something different. Instead of breaking when the smokers break, go alone and stay inside. Instead of going to happy hour, head to the gym or the park. Instead of calling that person that hurts you, delete their number. See where I'm headed?

Finally, are you one of those people who gets down on yourself based on past experiences? I'm telling you now, drop that baggage and don't even dare to look for it later! Its a new year! Today and everyday after is the first day of the rest of your life! So what if you didn't get things didn't pan out the way you thought they would! So what if that person walked away! So What! Its never to late to get a fresh start and you are the perfect candidate for one!

New Year = New Start. I challenge you to think about all the things that you want out of life and all the things that are a hinderance to your goals. Then say a prayer asking God to remove the things that He would not have for you. Sometimes, even if it hurts a little, the best thing to do is Let Go!

I pray for a happy and prosperous year for all of you. One filled with good health, lots of love and many blessings.