Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let It Go! Leave It Behind

Its a new year! Happy 2011! New Years resolutions are live and in full effect. But hey! Since we're starting new things and cleaning up our lives in the new year, lets talk about things we need to let go and leave in the past. What kind of things? You know, that bad habit we keep saying we're going to kick or that jerk of a boyfriend/ girlfriend we keep saying we're going to kick to the curb! A new year is here and I say LET IT GO!!!!

No matter how slow the process may seem, the only direction we should be moving is forward. Sometimes the journey we're taking could be made a lot easier if we let go of the baggage we've been holding onto. Sometimes that means forgiveness. We all have experienced that one "friend" that keeps hurting us and we keep forgiving. Well let me tell you, you can forgive, but that doesn't mean you have to keep toting them on down the road. Let them go and leave that baggage behind! That doesn't mean that you don't care. It simply means you no longer care to keep hurting yourself.

ENABLERS!!! Listen Up! Ever feel like you are constantly bailing someone out? Is it draining every ounce of your energy? Are you tired? LET IT GO! Don't get me wrong, it is great to help others, and you should.  However, always being the bail out, in the long run, can do more harm than help. Learn to say NO!

Want to stop smoking, cussing, drinking, etc.? Like Nike says JUST DO IT! I'm not saying it will be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.  Not sure where to start? How about removing yourself from people/ situations that promote those bad habits? Sometimes in order to reach a goal, you have to do something different. Instead of breaking when the smokers break, go alone and stay inside. Instead of going to happy hour, head to the gym or the park. Instead of calling that person that hurts you, delete their number. See where I'm headed?

Finally, are you one of those people who gets down on yourself based on past experiences? I'm telling you now, drop that baggage and don't even dare to look for it later! Its a new year! Today and everyday after is the first day of the rest of your life! So what if you didn't get things didn't pan out the way you thought they would! So what if that person walked away! So What! Its never to late to get a fresh start and you are the perfect candidate for one!

New Year = New Start. I challenge you to think about all the things that you want out of life and all the things that are a hinderance to your goals. Then say a prayer asking God to remove the things that He would not have for you. Sometimes, even if it hurts a little, the best thing to do is Let Go!

I pray for a happy and prosperous year for all of you. One filled with good health, lots of love and many blessings.



  1. Thanks for the advice! I am glad you talked about this because everyone always wants to start out new for the new year, but never gets rid of all the crap that made the previous year bad for them! Thank you :)

  2. My thought this year is "renew". Renew interest in the things that make me happy, fulfilled, a contributor instead of a taker. Filling my life with those things will leave less room for things that keep me from accomplishing the good stuff.

    Sorry I missed you at TD city yesterday. Maybe next time! (Asthmagirl)
