Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life Lately

Lately I've been really behind on blogging but thats only because I have been, not only living life, but experiencing life in the making. Someone once said that "if you are experiencing pain, you are about to give birth to something great!" BOY, they couldn't have been more right!

Just one week ago I gave birth to my second son! I must say, God is AWESOME!!!!!! In the past week I have seen God move and answer so many small prayers that make such a big difference. I wasn't sure that I'd have enough time, energy, strength or love! But I prayed… Every time I felt a little discouraged, I prayed. Every time I felt tired, I prayed. Every time I felt a bad attitude striking up, I prayed. And every time I prayed those little prayers, God answered!. He gave me kind words of encouragement and reassurance. He gave me strength and a renewed spirit. And most importantly He gave me a bigger heart when I thought I couldn't possibly love anymore. And not just in the past week, but as long as I can remember! God is a God that answers prayers!

I'm saying all this because when I was in labor it was super painful! At one point I thought I wouldn't make it through and I thought it would never end! There was just so much pain! Sorry I'm not going to sugar coat it, it hurt! And sometimes life can be that way. No matter how hard you think you are pushing, it seems to get harder. You think you'll never make it through and that the storm will never end. But just like  a woman giving birth, God has already equipped you with everything you need to get past the pain and give birth to some of His greatest blessings!

You might be thinking "you don't know my struggle!" I don't have to know your struggle, I know my God! I know there is ALWAYS prayer and that He is ALWAYS listening! When life seems to be kicking you in the pants and things are getting tough, say a prayer. Pray for the right attitude. Pray for an answer. Pray for increase. Pray for strength. Pray for wisdom. Pray for guidance. Pray for God's will to be done and then watch Him work! 

Life can be hard but with a whole lot of prayer, a little bit of perseverance, and faith the size of a mustard seed, in due time, that pain you are feeling, that struggle you have can and will be turned into God's blessings for you. 

Matthew 7:7 says "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." 

Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me." 

So I say to you, keep praying, keep pushing, keep fighting the good fight and give birth to something great!

With Love Always,

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