Friday, November 25, 2011

Shame, Shame, Shame!!!

Ever been in the closet? On the down low? Got a secret? And noooo, I'm not talking about sexuality here, I'm talking about spirituality. There are a lot of us Christians that are Closet Christians! It seems like the only time and place its cool to be a Christian is at church or only with our fellow Christian friends. Well I'm here to say, if you're a Christian and you absolutely love Jesus, shout it to the world! Say "World, here I am! I love the Lord! I am a Christian!"

I know that sometimes it seems hard to share your story with others. Its not "popular" to talk to people about God. But after all that God has done for us, who are we not to tell others of His greatness! After all "God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son, that whoever shall believe in him will have life everlasting (John 3:16)." Now if that isn't worth at least a tiny conversation (AT LEAST) then I don't know what is!

Jesus said in Luke 9:26, "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." 

Think about this… have you ever been in a situation/ relationship where the person you cared about completely ignored you or only came around when it was convenient for them? Think about how it made you feel. Now that think about how God must feel everyday. He gave us life, He loves and cares for us, yet we continue to ignore Him. We act as if He isn't there, as if He doesn't know all and see all (unless of course we need something). We are all guilty.

Its funny how we aren't afraid to cuss or sin in public, but we won't share what we believe. We boast about money, cars, clothes, and even things we don't own, but we won't boast and Give God glory for all He has done. Oh, and when we do mention it, we simply top off what we're talking about with a two second "praise God."

We spend so much time trying to impress people who really can't do anything for us (nor care about us) when we should be boasting about the ONE we can't do anything without. Think about it…

My prayer today is that we stop what we are doing, ask for forgiveness and begin a new life everyday living for and boasting in God alone. I pray that not only our words but our actions reach multitudes of people so that they, too, may know who God is and how much HE loves us! 

Though we may fall, I thank God for His grace!

With Love Always,

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