Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Great Resolve

Ever wonder why year after year we make the same resolutions (or different ones) then at the end of year find out we didn't stick to them or realize after the first month we've lost our way? You know, the resolutions that go "I'm going to lose weight," "I'm going to eat better," "I'm going to stop procrastinating." Yeah those! Well wonder no more. I'm going to tell you why they don't work and then explain how you can resolve to do something great and actually stick to it!

One reason why, often times, we fail at keeping our resolutions is because we set ones that are unattainable. The second reason is that we stop there. We set a goal but don't set a plan on how we are going to reach that goal. Third, and probably the biggest reason, is that we don't follow through - mainly because  we get distracted. 

Here is the biggest, most common example I can think of… Resolution: "I'm going to lose 30lbs by February." Let's be real! While not impossible, for most of us, it is unattainable - especially if you want to do it in a way that is still healthy. Then we drop the ball. How do you plan of losing all of this weight? Are you going to the gym, walk during lunch hour, change the what you eat? HOW? Finally, we're distracted. Instead of going to the gym after work, we get talked into Happy Hour with our pals, or we have tons of other stuff to do. Thus, we fail. Resolution UNRESOLVED! It doesn't have to be this way! 

Here are a few suggestions that may help you in all that you are trying to accomplish in the New Year! First, set a big goal. What are you ultimately trying to achieve? And make sure that it is realistic for you. Then set little goals - maybe a monthly goal, followed by weekly ones. Next you MUST COMMIT! Sacrifices will have to be made. Some things will require scheduling. To-do lists are always helpful. Remember there are always going to be distractions, peer pressure and other events of life. While it is ok to be flexible, you should still remain focused on achieving your goals. Another way to help you stay on task is to involve family and friends when possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help or encouragement. For me, personally, when I really want to get something done, I post it on Twitter and Facebook. Even if no one cares, I still feel a certain sense of accountably for doing what I said I would. Finally, believe in you! Other people may doubt you. Don't let them get you down, use that as motivation.

Setting goals  is one thing, but achieving them is another. And how rewarding is it once you've reached the mountain top! Remember, you can do anything that you set your mind to. Believe in yourself. I believe in you! Say a prayer and off you go! Happy Goal Setting!



  1. If you have any other suggestions on ways to help achieve ones goal, post a comment! Thanks!

  2. The other reason resolutions don't work is that when we focus on one spoke in the wheel, we don't plan a life change. "I'm going to lose weight" doesn't address a healthy living plan or a long term vision of being more active. Basically it is like jerking the wheel on a car to avoid a bump and then going right back on the same path.
    Resolutions should be avoided and goals should be made with attainable steps. The goals should also incorporate changes you can live with long term. "I'm going to eat an extra salad per week instead of pasta" is a better step than "I'm never going to touch chocolate again".
    Also, plan rewards at regular increments. If you lose that first five pounds, buy the new purse or belt. Get a massage.
    Best of luck in your new goals!

  3. Oooh Diane I like it! Especially the part about rewarding yourself! What a great way to motivate oneself! Thanks for your input!

  4. I recently read a column on resolutions/goal-setting that suggested that we set ourselves up when we make noun-based goals as opposed to adjective-based goals. For instance, instead of me saying I want to lose 40 pounds I should think about what the goal behind losing 40 pounds is. The ultimate goal is to be more fit/strong...feel healthier. That should be the goal...make sense? I like that approach...

  5. Charity I like that! I think thats a great to look at any goal, whether its a New Year's Resolution or a random goal in May! Thanks for your input!
