Monday, February 7, 2011

Celebrate Love, Celebrate Us

One week until the "BIG DAY!" What day is that? Valentine's Day of course! While I am not anti-St. Valentine, I am beginning to wonder what the point is. I can remember waiting and anticipating what pleasantries my beaux was going to shower me with on this glorious of days. I can also remember how I felt on the Valentine's Days when I had no one, nothing and no where to go. And again I wonder what is the point.

This year and every year for the rest of my life I have a Valentine but does it really take that one day for him to show me that he loves me or how much. And what about the people who don't have anyone. Should this day really be the reminder they need of how "nobody cares?" What about all the days before and all the days after Valentine's Day?

I recently saw a commercial for a jewelry store with a slogan that said "Celebrate Us" and felt inspired. Celebrate Us. I like it. I don't, however, see it only as meaning to celebrate a couple, but to celebrate all. Celebrate life. Celebrate love. Celebrate people. Celebrate each other. Then i got to thinking… When or how did Valentine's Day get so complicated? When did it become a day use to validate love? Remember being in elementary school and just buying a box of candy with a card attached that said "you're neat-o." Remember when giant bears, flowers, huge boxes of candy and champagne (or sparkling cider), etc. didn't matter. Everyone, I mean EVERYONE, got a piece of candy with small card letting them know that they too are truly special. What happened to that?

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy getting a present for Valentine's or any day for that matter. But again, what about others like single mothers or widows/ widowers or the lonely neighbor. Who do they have to remind them of how truly awesome they are? That person could be you!

This Valentine's Day, I challenge you to reach out to someone who may not have anyone else. It doesn't have to be anything big. Maybe that two dollar box of cards to pass out to your co-workers. Some homemade cookies for a neighbor or friend. Some flowers for an elderly stranger in a local nursing home. Or just a simple phone call. It doesn't take much to show someone else that they are loved. After all, don't we all deserve to know.

Oh yeah! And don't forget to spread love the other 364 days in the year!

From me to you Happy Valentine's Day. God loves you, so love and take care of yourself and others. 

With Love,


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