Thursday, April 21, 2011

Apologies & Forgiveness: Part 1


If you are like me, you have been wrong many times… I mean MANY times. You would also know that one of the most difficult things about being wrong is admitted that you were. Also, if you are like me, you've felt (at times) that even when you were wrong, your thoughts, words and even actions were totally justified. Ha silly me (and if you're like me then silly you too)! 

The Bible says in Mark 12:30-31 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater."

I think we all have heard of the Golden Rule :"Treat others the way you want to be treated." We were constantly reminded of this when we were in elementary school when it came to pushing, shoving and being out of turn. Well the Bible say this too in verse 31. "Love your neighbor as yourself." I know that if I were wronged by someone, I would want an apology which also means that if I have done someone wrong, I should apologize too. 

So here's another one for you… James 5:16 says "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayers of a righteous person has great power as it is working."

An apology is a regretful acknowledgement of an offense or failure. It also means asking pardon for a fault or offense. This takes us back to what the previous verse said: "confess your sins…"

In order to apologize properly you first have to acknowledge and admit to your wrong doings. There are no if's, and's or buts about it!  Clearly state what you are apologizing for.

Then you need to take full responsibility for your actions. Your apology is about what YOU did, not what the other person did to trigger you - remember no one can make you do anything. There are no excuses! 

Be sincere. Don't apologize because someone is "making" you. Do it because you were wrong and want to be forgiven. Imagine how you'd feel if someone treated you in the same way you have acted.

Apologize face to face. Making eye contact conveys sincerity versus a phone call, text, email or voicemail. Writing it down first is a good way to get your thoughts out and remember what you want to say. It can also help if your apology is a difficult one.

Ask the person who has been offended if there is anything (within reason) that you can do to make up for your offense.

Ask for forgiveness and express your appreciation to them for hearing you out.

Honor your word and last, but certainly not least, pray!

Please understand that sometimes the person to whom you are apologizing may not be willing to forgive you (at least not in that moment). Although, we wish for forgiveness, its ok. You have done your part and the next step is on them.

I know that apologizing can be a difficult thing but I urge you to make things right. Such a great burden is lifted when you are able to clear your conscience. So go ahead. I dare you. BE FREE!

With Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. This post is a wonderful reminder of how we should be living our lives, and how to be the best person we can be. Thanks for posting!
