Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Beautiful Words

I want you to think about your favorite songs or poems. Think about how they make you feel. Sometimes they have the power to evoke emotions from things past, make you run faster and exercise harder. They can even motivate you and make you feel as though you can take on the world. Well guess what? You have that same kind of power too! You and your words have the ability to influence, make a difference and even change the world!

Look at these words: you, go, for, I, can, love, it, can't, do, hate, ugly, beautiful, believe, in.
Alone, they are just words but together they can move mountains.
I love you
I hate you
You're ugly
You're beautiful
You can do it
You can't do it
I believe in you
Go for it

Its probably safe to say that at some time or another someone has said something awful to you - something that made you angry, frightened or even made you cry. You may not even remember exactly what it was, but you remember exactly how it made you feel. Is that the kind of person you want to be? One that criticizes, tears down, angers or frightens. I think not! Do you want to make others feel how that someone made you feel? I think not again. Do you want to be that person who never has anything good to say? Always negative? Definitely not! Those are the kinds of things that can turn the most beautiful people into very ugly ducklings.

 Listen to this short story…

I remember like it was yesterday. I was in middle school and I had an awful day. It must have shown on my face too! I was walking home when I ran into the postman. He wasn't our everyday postman, Mr. Roper, but a random stand-in and perfect stranger. He saw me and he said "Smile, Jesus loves you." It put the hugest smile on my face and when I turned around he was gone. I'm still convinced to this day that it was an angel sent with those simple words that changed my entire mood. Every now and again I still think about the postman with wings and I still smile.

The point of that story is that you have the ability to make a difference and you can do that by the things you say. You never know what a person is going through, even if you see them everyday. You can change their entire outlook, make them smile or even save their life! And you never want the last words you say to someone be awful. So the next time you're with family and friends, give them a hug, tell them you love them. If you have a child or know someone struggling with a task,  take the time to say something encouraging. See a stranger? Tell them to have a great day! Tell a knock knock joke. Make someone smile. 

They say "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Well whoever "they" are, "they" were wrong! So use nice words! :)

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, let your words reflect that! Please and Thank you.


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