Sunday, November 21, 2010

Beautiful Change

Change is good! I know if some of my friends were reading, they would go "whoa whoa whoa who is saying this?!" Yes, I said it. Change is good. But I will also be the first to admit that I didn't always feel this way. Any time there was going to be anything different, I would be the first to scream "Ughhhh I hate change!" Looking back I can now say how silly of me!

The problem is that we get comfortable. We are creatures of habit. We get accustomed to things going a certain way almost all the time. I know this is what was happening to me. Everyday, get up, go to work, come home, exercise, cook, eat, shower, go to bed, do it all over again the next day. Then my world took a sudden turn… Before I knew it, I was engaged, moved across the country, married and had a baby all in less than a year! TALK ABOUT CHANGE! Whew! It all happened so fast (and to the girl who hated change)! I had to learn to be a wife, a mom and find my way around a new place! It was definitely overwhelming at times but the cool thing about it is with change comes growth.

When change happens it, in a way, forces you to grow up, look at things differently, challenge yourself and one another. Change allows you to look back and see where you may have fallen and lost your way, but it can also allow you to see how totally awesome you are and how good you have it. Sometimes change can be painful. Maybe you move away or lose a loved one or worse. Even in that there is good knowing that you have the strength to overcome and make it through.

I use to not like change because I was afraid. Afraid of the 'what ifs.' At least all the wrong what ifs… What if something goes wrong? What if I mess up? What if this messes me up? What if this take longer? What if I can't handle it? Ughhhh! What if?! I don't ever remember thinking what if everything goes right? What if I do great and get promoted? What if I have an opportunity to impact someone else's life? What if this is opening up new doors? Hmmm, what if the possibilities are endless? WHAT IF? 

The way I see it you have two options… Change happens, so you can either allow the world to leave its mark on you OR you can leave your mark on the world. Your choice. I say embrace it. Change is BEAUTIFUL.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, this blog entry could not have come at a better time for me. I admit, I am definitely one of those people who is resistant to change...always have been. I have a lot of changes coming up in my life and I have been trying to keep a positive outlook and your words provide further reinforcement. Thanks for another great blog. And here is to exciting changes in the future and the growth that will follow! :)
