Saturday, December 4, 2010


As you all know Thanksgiving has just passed. Now everyone is busy with all the hustle and bustle of Christmas Shopping, meeting deadlines, preparing for family and wrapping up 2010. We're thinking about all the things we want  for Christmas and contemplating what may be our New Years Resolutions. In the midst of it all, I have had some time to reflect and you know what… I'm still truly thankful!

I have been blessed with a lot of things. I get to wake up every morning and start all over. I have my health. I have my family. I have been given an assignment from God that He obviously trusts me to handle (being a wife and a mom). I get to communicate with the world. AND I can make a difference in it!

The thing that gets me is that people (and I'm guilty of this too) use that one day, Thanksgiving, to really analyze what they are thankful for. Then the day is done and back to our normal routines and leftovers. I'm not saying that we're not thankful any other day. I am saying, however, that maybe we should take the time everyday to count our blessings. 

Everyone has a different situation, but we should all keep in mind that someone out there in the world is always going to have it worse and someone is going to always have it better. The blessing in that is that we can help those who have it worse and we can strive for what is better. 

Someone once told me that a thankful heart keeps depression at bay!  How awesome is that! So I want you to do me a favor. Think about all the things you complained about from the time you woke up this morning, stumped your toe and walked into that wall… Now… Count your blessings. Name them one by one, you can even write them down… Now smile!

I'm thankful for a ton of things and then some! And Im thankful for you! 



  1. And as nerdy as I feel for always commenting...I am thankful for you and your positive words!

  2. Well I thank you for reading and for giving your feedback!

  3. Someone wise once told me that gratitude is the great equalizer... that gratitude for life, family, health and the opportunity to help others is what puts us all on equal footing as we start each day.

  4. I love reading your blog (and tweets)! You're an amazingly positive person and it reminds me to try to stay positive, too. Thank you!
