Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beautiful Confessions

Ever carried something inside for so long that it just became a burden to you? It doesn't even have to be anything bad like a major sin. Maybe you're being mishandled and don't know how to express what you're feeling. Maybe you're keeping a secret from a friend. Or maybe its that you are deeply in love but too chicken to say - even though its killing you on the inside. Its not a good feeling when you think you have to keep things bottled up on the inside. Sometimes we have to just face the music.

Just recently I learned how to communicate by using something called the Awareness Wheel. This technique allowed me to do a few things. It allowed me to address an issue, uncover what I was sensing, say what I thought, tell how it made me feel, reveal what I wanted to happen, and chose a plan of action. Once you get that down, you do a practice run. I had to address an issue that, all before, I had been skirting around and boy did it feel great to get that off my chest! It was heavy and once release, I could cry tears of pain, then joy, and finally tears of release! It was out! Ladies and Gentlemen,  Elvis has left the building! I felt as though a great weight lifted off my shoulders!

Sounds good right? However, giving a confession or telling someone a secret can be scary for a number of reasons. Maybe it could backfire, maybe you'll be betrayed, maybe someone's opinion may change of you, or maybe you don't get the outcome you were hoping for. But for all those reasons confessions are scary, there's an opposite reason for them not to be. Maybe it goes your way, maybe you'll be forgiven,  maybe they love you back, or maybe, just maybe it goes a bajillion times better than you ever imagined it would turn out! 

Confessions are good for the soul, so get that thing off your chest! When your heart and mind are clear, it allows others to see your true inner beauty and your outward glow! That in itself is BEAUTIFUL!



  1. One thing I've also learned is that its good to confess to God. Not only does He forgive, He understands, He comforts, He loves, He gives perspective and directs you in the path that you should go. So tell Him how you feel

  2. My husband says I've very self contained. And he's right. Confession is hard. I often delay confessing because I feel like I'm always in control about when and where I let my guard down. But you're right, I always feel better afterward.

  3. Diane You're right. Confessions are hard. Especially if you're in the wrong or you feel vulnerable. You don't have to be an open book about everything though. Sometimes its good to have private thoughts as well. But when it becomes overwhelming, let it out and let it go! You'll feel better! I always do

  4. Jamila,

    Thank you so much for this post. Your words are so true. "When your heart and mind are clear, it allows others to see your true inner beauty and your outward glow! That in itself is BEAUTIFUL!" This is wonderful. <3 It has taken me a long time to learn this but now that I have my life is forever changed.

    I also wanted to congratulate you on your new little bundle of joy. How exciting! I would post this on twitter but my account is private [stalker issues ;)]so I don't think even if I messaged you that you would be able to see it. I love reading your tweets about Maxwell. Your love for him is so clear and profound. I have a little girl that will be 2 in December and I am 23 weeks pregnant with a little boy so I really relate to a lot of your tweets.

    Please stay such a bright light with your positivity. It is extremely contagious. :)

    Love, Katie

  5. Katie,
    CONGRATULATIONS! Children are such a blessing. I pray for smooth sailing during this pregnancy and a fabulous delivery for your baby boy!

    Thank you for your kind words. These are the things that I am learning daily and that are helping me to be the best person I can be. I don't always follow the rules and sometimes I fall short but I'm still learning. I just hope that my words are reaching people and helping them too!
    Peace and Blessing to you!
