Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Great Resolve

Ever wonder why year after year we make the same resolutions (or different ones) then at the end of year find out we didn't stick to them or realize after the first month we've lost our way? You know, the resolutions that go "I'm going to lose weight," "I'm going to eat better," "I'm going to stop procrastinating." Yeah those! Well wonder no more. I'm going to tell you why they don't work and then explain how you can resolve to do something great and actually stick to it!

One reason why, often times, we fail at keeping our resolutions is because we set ones that are unattainable. The second reason is that we stop there. We set a goal but don't set a plan on how we are going to reach that goal. Third, and probably the biggest reason, is that we don't follow through - mainly because  we get distracted. 

Here is the biggest, most common example I can think of… Resolution: "I'm going to lose 30lbs by February." Let's be real! While not impossible, for most of us, it is unattainable - especially if you want to do it in a way that is still healthy. Then we drop the ball. How do you plan of losing all of this weight? Are you going to the gym, walk during lunch hour, change the what you eat? HOW? Finally, we're distracted. Instead of going to the gym after work, we get talked into Happy Hour with our pals, or we have tons of other stuff to do. Thus, we fail. Resolution UNRESOLVED! It doesn't have to be this way! 

Here are a few suggestions that may help you in all that you are trying to accomplish in the New Year! First, set a big goal. What are you ultimately trying to achieve? And make sure that it is realistic for you. Then set little goals - maybe a monthly goal, followed by weekly ones. Next you MUST COMMIT! Sacrifices will have to be made. Some things will require scheduling. To-do lists are always helpful. Remember there are always going to be distractions, peer pressure and other events of life. While it is ok to be flexible, you should still remain focused on achieving your goals. Another way to help you stay on task is to involve family and friends when possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help or encouragement. For me, personally, when I really want to get something done, I post it on Twitter and Facebook. Even if no one cares, I still feel a certain sense of accountably for doing what I said I would. Finally, believe in you! Other people may doubt you. Don't let them get you down, use that as motivation.

Setting goals  is one thing, but achieving them is another. And how rewarding is it once you've reached the mountain top! Remember, you can do anything that you set your mind to. Believe in yourself. I believe in you! Say a prayer and off you go! Happy Goal Setting!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tis The Season

Right now our power is out due to the storm last night. In my house it is cold and it is dark. My baby's hands are cold, the food in the refrigerator is spoiling and I can't turn on the stove to make a hot meal. This is only a glimpse of what some people out there are going through everyday. The electricians will come, fix the power line and my lights will be on in a few hours but what about those who aren't so fortunate?

We've all heard he phrase, "It is much better to give than receive."But I'm sure we all love to receive things too! Thats one of the fun parts about the holiday season - the hustle of shopping, the anticipation of Christmas day, and finally knowing that a someone else has thought of you when you open that present. Again, what about those who aren't so fortunate? 

For me, it always warms my heart when I can give something that puts a smile on another person's face. And sometimes, that feeling is even better than when I receive something myself. This Christmas I'm asking for others to, if they are able, help make someone else's Christmas a little brighter.

If you aren't quite sure how or where to get started, here are a few ideas:
Your local mall may be hosting and Angel Tree where you can pick a name of a child or a family and purchase gifts for them.You can try seeing if your bank provides stockings that you can fill and bring back. Similar to the Angel Tree, your church or the Salvation Army may have persons that need help during this time. And finally, one of my personal favorites, the United Way website. There you can find lots of opportunities for community service, providing meals for the homeless and even sponsoring families. The great thing about United Way is that they provide this information year-round. 

The holidays are a time to be with family, friends and loved ones. It is also a great time to help those you may not even know. I'm sure it will put a smile on there face and warmth in your hearts. Let's lend a hand this holiday and every season thereafter. 

And guess what... Upon finishing up this entry, my lights came back on! BEAUTIFUL!


Saturday, December 4, 2010


As you all know Thanksgiving has just passed. Now everyone is busy with all the hustle and bustle of Christmas Shopping, meeting deadlines, preparing for family and wrapping up 2010. We're thinking about all the things we want  for Christmas and contemplating what may be our New Years Resolutions. In the midst of it all, I have had some time to reflect and you know what… I'm still truly thankful!

I have been blessed with a lot of things. I get to wake up every morning and start all over. I have my health. I have my family. I have been given an assignment from God that He obviously trusts me to handle (being a wife and a mom). I get to communicate with the world. AND I can make a difference in it!

The thing that gets me is that people (and I'm guilty of this too) use that one day, Thanksgiving, to really analyze what they are thankful for. Then the day is done and back to our normal routines and leftovers. I'm not saying that we're not thankful any other day. I am saying, however, that maybe we should take the time everyday to count our blessings. 

Everyone has a different situation, but we should all keep in mind that someone out there in the world is always going to have it worse and someone is going to always have it better. The blessing in that is that we can help those who have it worse and we can strive for what is better. 

Someone once told me that a thankful heart keeps depression at bay!  How awesome is that! So I want you to do me a favor. Think about all the things you complained about from the time you woke up this morning, stumped your toe and walked into that wall… Now… Count your blessings. Name them one by one, you can even write them down… Now smile!

I'm thankful for a ton of things and then some! And Im thankful for you!